Exciting news! Junny Ocasio, reigning nogi world champion and winner of the IBJJF Triple Crown in 2023, joins us in 2024 for a nogi seminar! This will be on Saturday, April 13 at 11 a.m. Community price is $80; BBJJ student price is $65.
Junny Ocasio is an instructor at the excellent Unity School of Jiujitsu, and has won gold in the black belt division at such prestigious events as IBJJF Nogi Worlds, Nogi Pan-Americans, Nogi Europeans and the Kasai Pro trial, among other accolades.
To secure your spot, please sign up in ZenPlanner or Venmo Jeff-Shaw-7. Bellingham BJJ students, please make sure you’re signed into ZenPlanner to get the discount.

Time: 11:00 PM to 2:00 PM
Bellingham BJJ
205 W. Holly St.Bellingham, Washington 98225 US