Using Notes and Drills to Improve at BJJ Faster

Using Notes and Drills to Improve at BJJ Faster

Everyone loves to spar and roll. But there is nothing — nothing — more important for improving at BJJ than drilling. Think of it as locking in the benefits from the time you spend in class! If you’re investing hours of your life in learning, spending a few more minutes drilling can make sure that time is maximized. Here are some specific methods for learning BJJ through notes and drilling that I’ve found helpful. Once you get into a good drilling rhythm for single techniques, it’s important to start drilling transitions for jiu-jitsu as well. I’m lucky in that I Read more »

Why Should I Try Jiu-Jitsu?

Why Should I Try Jiu-Jitsu?

If you’re reading this, you’re already interested in trying Brazilian jiu-jitsu. But maybe you’re on the fence, for whatever reason. This post is designed to inspire you to take the plunge and walk in the door for the first time.

Jiu-jitsu is tremendous for self defense, provides an opportunity to test yourself in a competitive format, and is one of the most effective activities you can pursue for personal empowerment.

These are just some of the benefits you’ll get from training. It’s also one of the most important martial arts to focus on if you plan to train or compete in MMA. Even if you never step in a mixed martial arts cage or on a competition mat, though, there are almost too many benefits from jiu-jitsu to list. Still, let’s try!

Read more about Why Should I Try Jiu-Jitsu?