About the Logo

We wanted a logo that reflected the art we practice, the place we’re in, and how we feel about training. (Plus, it had to look cool). The artist and designer Zita Voros did this logo for us:

The triangle has been a consistent symbol of Brazilian jiu-jitsu throughout the years. Here in Bellingham we also live in the shadow of Mount Baker, an active volcano, so the logo doubles as a mountain with fire inside — an ode to Koma Kulshan.

Besides, we’ve always been fond of this quotation from the Roman philosopher Plutarch: “The mind is not a vessel that needs filling, but wood that needs igniting.” We’ll never all there is to know about jiu-jitsu, but we can try to inspire other people to start their own journey — hopefully lighting that fire and letting it spread.

One of the most exciting things about jiu-jitsu is that it’s an art that thousands of people worldwide are working together to advance. It’s an amazing process to be part of.